August 14, 2020
BONUS: Help kids learn about various careers with these fun reads

When it is too hot to play outside and, inside, the walls feel like they are closing in on the family, what can you do with your children? Read! It’s a great escape from the here and now, and can even provide kids with a glimpse into their futures with the right book selections.
Grab these books focused on various careers and help your child explore what they can be when they grow up:
Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty
Highlighting STEM subjects and women in science, this book shows that science is fun.
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The Tooth Book by Dr. Seuss
Rhyming text and illustrations briefly point out what animals have teeth, their uses, and how to care for them.
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Sally Goes to the Vet by Stephen Huneck
Sally, the inquisitive black Labrador retriever, takes her very first trip to the vet!
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Astronaut Handbook by Meghan McCarthy
From weightlessness to schooling, this books covers what it takes to head to space.
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Farmer Brown Goes Round by Teri Sloat
A twister strikes Farmer Brown’s farm and mixes the animals all up, so that the cows oinked, sheep clucked, hens brayed and his hound neighed.
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Fire Fighters to the Rescue by Kersten Hamilton
From practical jokes in the firehouse to legendary bravery, every detail of a firefighter’s life is fascinating.
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