March 13, 2020
Discovery Place Science is closed for two weeks due to COVID-19
Updates on Discovery Place closures due to Coronavirus

Beginning Saturday, March 14, all Discovery Place museums will be CLOSED due to public health concerns about COVID-19. The closure will remain in effect through Friday, March 27, at which time we will update our plans based on the conditions in the region, state and country.
To our Discovery Place community,
Over the past several weeks, Discovery Place has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on our community, nation and world. As a leader in STEM education throughout the Carolinas, we recognize the importance of following the recommendations provided by our local, state and federal health officials, who are offering this guidance based on the very best scientific and medical information available.
Public health officials have noted that social distancing is an effective way to stop the transmission of COVID-19. To help limit the spread in our community, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close all Discovery Place museums for two weeks, beginning tomorrow, Saturday, March 14 through Friday, March 27. We will evaluate the situation as it progresses and post updates as things develop.
Currently, we are not aware of any visitor or staff member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 nor do we have any evidence of exposure risk in any of our facilities.
We encourage each of you to join us in this social distancing effort. It is only through committed, community-wide action that we will be able to make a difference. By taking this seriously, we can protect not only ourselves, but all of our family and friends.
Please stay informed and strictly follow all recommendations provided by the CDC as well as our state and local health departments.
Catherine Wilson Horne
President & CEO